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The 5 Common Manifestation Myths! (NEW Masterclass)

Writer's picture: Tara SimoneTara Simone

Updated: Feb 23, 2024

Manifestation” has 29B views on TikTok & 8.6M posts on Instagram and majority of that content gives me the ick 😖🤢 (and simply isn't true!)

❌ Manifestation is NOT “high vibes” only 24/7 so good things come to you.

❌ It’s not a matter of being worthy or deserving of your desires.

❌ It's not easier for some people and harder for others.

❌ It’s not just saying some affirmations, sitting back, and waiting for Sky Daddy to deliver it on a silver platter

❌ It’s also not some complicated ritual under a full moon or writing your goal 55 times for 5 days.

✅ Manifestation IS your intention combined with powerful (not necessarily “positive”) emotions to attract it to you 

✅ It’s a matter of feeling safe to receive your desires.

✅ It's a universal law that applies to everyone equally (some just have more practice doing it intentionally)

✅ It’s actively shifting your thoughts, regulating your emotions, and taking inspired actions towards your goal.

✅ It’s a simple 3 step process - think it, feel it, act it - that you are already doing, just unintentionally or for the opposite of what you want.

Truthfully, Law of Attraction is like gravity - it just happens!

(and with a bit of intention you can make it happen on purpose consistently)

But sadly “manifestation experts” online turned it into a mixture of toxic positivity, complex rituals, & a lot of fluff to get you to buy to their courses/coaching as the “magic key “ to unlocking your desires 😒

Yeah...I am calling BULLSH*T on that!

Time and time again in my life and through working with my clients I have seen amazing things manifest such as...

❤️ meeting my soulmate (even though I had a broken heart & was in therapy)

🏡 my first home with the perfect property for us

💍 my DREAM proposal in Disney World

📱soul aligned clients that appear out of nowhere in my DMs

💰 random checks in the mail (while my client was stressed about finances)


Without any crazy hour long rituals every day or feeling "high vibe" and "worthy" of the desires!

But don't just take my life & clients' experiences as proof.

Manifestation Myth Busting Masterclass by Magically Tara Simone

Inside my NEW Manifestation Myth Busting Masterclass, I am going to give you...

REAL, scientific evidence for Law of Attraction so you deeply believe it is possible for you to use utilize too

⭐ PLUS bust through the 5 most common myths so you stop wasting your time, energy, and money trying to crack the manifestation code like I did for years!

⭐ And the cherry on top? 🍒 You will receive a crash course in my 4 step manifesting ritual that you can customize for yourself and your goals in less than 10 minutes a day.

No fluff. No BS. No 4 figure upsell. I promise!

Just real stories from mine and my clients lives proving how simple manifesting can be + a bit of science in favor of it as well.

Imagine this... deeply believe in your own ability to manifest and if any time you doubt it, you have the science to remind yourself just how powerful you are SAVE time, money, & energy no longer searching online for the next manifestation trend because you already have a formula that consistently works for you don't fear your anxious thoughts or "low vibration" emotions will become your reality because you now know how Law of Attraction actually works leave this 40 minute masterclass feeling more EMPOWERED to create the life you can't stop thinking about with a clear UNDERSTANDING of how to do it

That is my goal with creating this resource for you.

And that is what happened to me after discovering these myths and truths about Law of Attraction.

I went from "maybe I should try _______ (insert another ritual I saw online)? Oh this course will be the answer!....dang it, is it possible some people can't do this? Maybe it's all made up"... now living in a life filled with evidence (aka my dream home, my soulmate, little synchronicities throughout the day, aligned clients in my DMs, even just writing something down in my journal and receiving it hours later) that manifestation is REAL and I am f*cking good at it 💁🏼‍♀️

But enough of me rambling about how fabulous this masterclass this. Take a look for yourself at the most common myth we busted:

Curious what other manifesting myths we are going to bust through?

  1. You have to be "high vibe" 24/7 (LIES)

  2. Some people are better at manifesting (LIES)

  3. You need a complex ritual (LIES)

  4. No action is required (LIES)

  5. You need to believe in the Universe/God (LIES)

  6. PLUS a surprise bonus myth that is all over social media!

AND you will walk away with 3 pieces of scientific evidence that Law of Attraction is REAL and possible for you to use too! (ever heard of that reticular activating system?)

Don't forget! You also receive my simple 4 step manifesting formula that you can customize for you, your goals, and your schedule.

Manifestation Myth Busting Masterclass Early Access pricing

The best part?

This 40 minute masterclass that combines my 6 years and over $9,000 investments into courses, books, and programs is ONLY $33.

Currently ON SALE for early bird pricing this week only! (February 23rd-29th)

And after will still be at the crazy low price of $33 FOREVER!

Why? Because my intention is to demystify manifestation and make it accessible for all!

Click the link below to join us calling BS on all the fluff on the internet and finally learning & deeply believing in Law of Attraction.

Enroll in Manifestation Myth Busting Masterclass

Frequently Asked Questions:

How is this different than Manifested It! The Course? While this masterclass does touch on my customizable 4 step manifesting ritual taught in depth in the course, its main focus is providing evidence of what Law of Attraction is and is not so you have a firm belief in how powerful your thoughts truly are. And at the same time don't waste anymore time, energy, or money on fluffy, 4 figure courses you see online. Also, this masterclass is 40 minutes long and jam packed with information, but Manifested It! The Course is where I really go deep (2 hours long + so many more resources).

What if I already am enrolled in Manifested It! The Course? You will receive this masterclass for FREE! Just keep scrolling and sign in to download the video training & slides!

Do you guarantee results? I guarantee you will walk away with a deeper understanding of Law of Attraction, more belief in your own power to utilize it, and a few a-ha moments! But with any of my courses, digital products, or coaching, it is up to the client to do the work and make it happen!

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Magically Tara Simone, LLC
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