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Manifested It! The Course

Writer's picture: Tara SimoneTara Simone

Updated: 6 days ago

Manifested It! The Course by Magically Tara Simone - simple 3 steps to utilize law of attraction
70% off ANNIVERSARY SALE happening NOW! Grab Manifested It! for only $66 (value $222) through February 24, 2025! Click the pink button below to enroll!

PSA: You are NOT bad at manifesting!

You just haven't been taught HOW to create your own manifestation formula so it actually works for you!

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This may REALLY excite you or really annoy you..

I only did 3 things every single day to manifest my cozy home 🏡 & garden in Vermont, dream proposal 💍 in front of Cinderella's Castle, perfectly aligned clients ☎️ to my coaching business , & SO MUCH MORE!

Yay me! That's awesome right? But how did I do it?! What were the 3 things Tara!?

It was simply thinking, feeling, & acting like the version of me that already had it all.

❌ I didn't write my goal 55 times a day for 5 days

❌ I didn't make an altar under a full moon with my wishes inscribed on candles...

❌ I didn't visualize for hours every morning

❌ and I didn't follow any complicated process you will find online...

✅ Instead became a vibrational match for my desires by THINKING, FEELING, and ACTING every single day like the version of me that already manifested it. THAT'S IT!

But it didn't always feel this simple...I have spent over $10k in manifestation courses trying to crack the code and create a life beyond my wildest dreams.

Maybe you have been trying to manifest for a while too, but you are still having questions like...

Common Manifestation Questions - Manifested It! How to Think, Feel, and Act like the YOU who has it all.

Truly, the only thing required to manifest is that you THINK, FEEL, and ACT like your future self who already is living out your goals (aka become a vibrational match) as often as possible.

BUT there are dozens of ways to become a vibrational match for your desire and it is DIFFERENT what will work for each person. That is why that ritual you copied from some video on Tiktok isn't giving you the same results they got 🤯

While visualization may be the secret for some, sex magick may be the answer for others - or journaling, dancing, eft tapping, positive rampages, or one of them other six practices I teach inside of module 2!

And now it's your turn to create the correct manifestation formula for YOU and your goals using my signature 4 step process so that you can consistently and more easily attract your desires!

Introducing Manifested It! How to THINK, FEEL, and ACT like the YOU who already RECEIVED IT!
Manifested It! The Course by Magically Tara Simone - simple 3 steps to utilize law of attraction

I created this course so regardless of where you are on your manifestation journey you can learn the exact practices I use personally and with my private clients to...

create your own custom ritual

quickly shift your thoughts

regulate your emotions to elevate your vibration

take inspired action from a place of alignment

and fully surrender your desires

so you can finally say you MANIFESTED IT!

Since some people can't afford my private coaching and I have very limited spots, I wanted to make this course so ANYONE can access my energy, knowledge, and proven practices anytime, but at less than a quarter of what I charge for monthly coaching.

My goal is to make manifestation accessible and easy for ALL!

This 4 step process has NEVER been taught before and I am unlike any coach you have learned from before. We keep it easy, fast, & fun here so you can get exactly the advice you need and steps to implement these practices immediately in your daily routine.

Manifested It! demystifies Law of Attraction so anyone can utilize it in their life.


What you will learn in Manifested It! How to Think, Feel, and Act like the YOU who has it all. 3 Step law of attraction ritual by Magically Tara Simone


My client, let's call her Jessica, came to me so frustrated and filled with slow doubt. She invested close to $3k in a manifestation course with no results to show for it.

She did all the work, listened to every module, and religiously followed the manifestation rituals given to her....

But after months of trying, nothing seemed to change for Jessica.

No matter how many affirmations she said or visualizations she did, her desires never manifested.

It wasn't until we took a closer look at her ritual to realize it wasn't making her feel GOOD every day. It had become another thing on her to-do list that drained her energy first thing in the morning.

On top of that, she never learned how to look at her limiting beliefs and transmute them to empowering ones so they stop getting in the way of her desires flowing to her!

So we focused on making it easy and FUN! How? By creating a custom manifestation ritual for Jessica that actually made her feel good about herself and goals! We also found a few practices to quickly elevate her vibration throughout the day so she can keep the manifestations flowing to her.

(as well as cleared away some big limiting beliefs with EFT Tapping and journaling that I will teach you how to do for yourself in modules 1 & 2)

After our first call she couldn't believe how simple manifestation really was....and the next day manifested her first $10 out of the blue. It may seem small, but her confidence was back and Jessica went on the hit her goal of receiving the $3k she spent on that course within a few months!

I want to help you make manifestation easy & fun so you can do exactly what my clients every single day - manifest it!

What's Included in Manifested It! How to Think, Feel, and Act like the YOU who has it all. 3 Step law of attraction ritual by Magically Tara Simone

What You Will Learn:

This first module will teach you all about manifestation and how your thoughts create your reality. More importantly, I will show you the easiest way to shift your thinking to attract more of what you DO want and less of what you don't want! In less than 40 minutes you will have more clarity around your desires, my quick 3 A's process to transform limiting beliefs to empowering thoughts, and my go to morning practice to start the day with positivity.

Curious what's inside Module 1? Watch Your Exclusive 5 Minute Preview:

38 Minute Pre-recorded Video Training to teach you:

✨ what actually is manifestation

✨ how does law of attraction (and the other 11 universal laws) work

✨ journal prompts to get clear on your goals and your why

✨ how to transform your limiting beliefs to empowering ones using the 3 A's - acknowledge, alchemize, and affirm

✨ the best way to phrase affirmations so they actually help you manifest

✨ tips to implement more positive thinking into your day

✨ my go-to 2 step morning manifestation journal process


⭐ 12 journal prompts to take the work deeper

⭐ The 12 Laws of the Universe Cheat Sheet

⭐ Crystals for Manifestation Guide

⭐ How to Manifest with Moon Phases Guide

⭐ Angel Numbers Cheat Sheet

⭐ 9 Empowering Affirmations to start changing your thoughts

⭐ Sneak Peek inside My Manifestation Journal

⭐ Virtual Vision Board Tutorial

⭐ Top 3 Books I recommend to take this work deeper

⭐ Copy of Slides from Video Training

It's time to step into energetic alignment with your goals and really get the manifestation ball rolling. When you combine your positive intentions that we set in the first module with your elevated emotions you learn here that is where the magic happens! This is where you begin to shift your vibration and the Law of Attraction really gets to work. Get ready for some easy, fun practices to feel amazing all day every day and your manifestations to start flowing to you!

How do emotions become vibrations? Watch Your Exclusive 5 Minute Preview:

37 Minute Pre-recorded Video Training to teach you:

✨ a simple way to use your thoughts to shift your emotions

✨ how to become a vibration match for your desires

✨ what is embodiment and how does it help you manifest

✨ six different embodiment practices to elevate your vibe daily

✨ EFT Tapping for shifting your vibration quickly

✨ an easy visualization process to see and feel your goals coming to you

✨ sex magic, positive rampages, somatic dancing, and so much more!

✨ what is anchoring and how to effectively use it


⭐ 3 Journal Prompts based on the video training

⭐ Embodiment Practices Cheat Sheet

⭐ 5 Minute "Perfect Day" Guided Visualization

⭐ How To Future Script and Fill in the Blank Mad Lib

⭐ EFT Tap-A-Long to shift your emotions

⭐ 9 Affirmations to elevate your vibration quickly

⭐ Dance Manifestation Meditation

⭐ My High Vibe Playlist

⭐ Top 3 Books I recommend to take this work deeper

⭐ Copy of Slides from Video Training

Now that you know how to feel good about your goals, it is time to fully embody that future version of you and start acting like her every day! I will teach you how to listen to your intuition you will know exactly what steps to take to make your dreams a reality and how to easily change your habits to match that next level version. This module is taking manifestation from a ritual to a way of being. You are going to leave this course feeling like a badass bitch that can have, be, do, and receive it all!

Don't miss the step everyone skips! Watch Your Exclusive 5 Minute Preview:

30 Minute Pre-Recorded Video Training to teach you:

✨ how to start acting like the version of you that has it all

✨ what is the law of inspired action

✨ simple practices to strengthen to your intuition and know the next step to take

✨ how to ask the Universe for a sign

✨ other ways to receive guidance on your journey

✨ easy hacks to change your habits to align with those of future you

✨ more fun ways to embody your desires now

✨ one question to ask yourself every day - WWTBD?


⭐ 4 Journal Prompts to take the call concepts deeper

⭐ 9 Empowering Affirmations to further embody that version of you

⭐ Free One Week Trial to my favorite conscious streaming app Gaia + my top recommendations

⭐ 10 Minute "Taking Action" Guided Visualization

⭐ Bonus 11 Minute Training "Manifestation Won't Work Unless You Do"

Top 2 Books I recommend on this subject

⭐ Copy of Slides from Video Training

This is the module you have been waiting for! In just 40 minutes you will learn how to surrender your desires so it can flow into your life and how to calibrate your energy so you receive even while relaxing. It is full of practices, visualizations, and tips to allow in your manifestations will while having fun and being at ease.

The secret sauce to manifesting...Watch Your Exclusive 5 Minute Preview:

40 minute Pre-recorded video training will teach you:

✨ an easy manifestation analogy you can reference when you have doubts

✨ what surrendering is and isn't

✨ the importance of letting go of your desires

✨ rituals and embodiment practices for surrendering

✨ how to release control and allow support into your life

✨ the divine masculine vs divine feminine

✨ calibrating your energy to relax and receive


⭐ 7 Journal Prompts to take the work deeper

⭐ 9 Affirmations to support you embodying this work

⭐ EFT Tapping "Surrendering and Receiving Your Manifestations"

⭐ 5 Minute Visualization "Surrendering Your Desires"

⭐ 5 Minute Visualization "Relax to Receive"

⭐ Recommended Books on this topic

⭐ Copy of Slides from Video Training to reference

BONUS: Manifested It! The Journal

Manifested It! The Journal

Your 4 week companion journal to this course! You can find a brief overview, a few journaling prompts, all the affirmations, and some of the tips from each module in this vibey digital download. Free with enrollment or available for ONLY $11.11 if you want to get a little taste of the course before purchasing! See inside it and learn more here!

BONUS: access to Manifestation Myth Busting Masterclass! Learn More Here! (value $44)

BONUS: $111 off my private 1:1 coaching

If after taking this course you decide to take your education & energy to the next level, I provide a coupon for the same amount you pay for Manifested It! towards private weekly 1:1 coaching that you can find out more about here. If you are already a current 1:1 client of mine, you receive this course for free!


Get lifetime virtual access to my energy & knowledge for less than what you would pay for 90 minutes of my private coaching.

Manifested It! How to Think, Feel, and Act like the YOU who has it all. 3 Step law of attraction ritual by Magically Tara Simone


Frequently Asked Questions

Do you guarantee results?

While these practices I teach and use personally have worked time and time again for myself and 1:1 clients, I do not guarantee any level of success with Manifested It! Every person's success is based on their own effort and diligence. I can promise though, you will never think about manifestation or yourself the same way again ;)

How will this Course be delivered?

Each module is delivered to you via the program portal on my website. You will have exclusive and instant access to upon enrolling. Within each module is your video training, journal prompts, affirmations, inner work, and additional resources. Please check your email (and spam folder) after purchasing for instructions to access all materials

Is there a refund policy?

Due to the nature of this course and how it is delivered, there will be no refunds offered. If you experience an issue or have a question about what is included contact us via the "contact" tab on this site.

Is this course for anyone?

YES! Whether you are new to manifestation or maybe have tried before without fabulous results, this is for you. No matter what your goals are, this process will work because we customize it for YOU and your desires! I have never taught or seen anyone teach it in such a simple process that works for so many and know that if you apply what is taught in each module you will Manifest It!


If you read this far, you are SERIOUSLY considering enrolling in Manifested It!, but maybe still have some doubts. One of my goals with this course is to teach you how to listen to your intuition so you know what is the next step for you always. Here are some great questions to journal on to help you make the best decision for you:

Journal Prompts for Manifested It! How to Think, Feel, and Act like the YOU who has it all. 3 Step law of attraction ritual by Magically Tara Simone



If you are ready to manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams, don't wait another second! Every thought you are thinking, emotion you are feeling, and action you are taking is creating your future so let's make it a magical one together.

To get started, simply click the button below, create your account, and make the investment in yourself & future! You will have immediate access to all the modules, homework, and bonuses. See you inside Manifested It!

*by enrolling you agree to the terms & conditions outlined here:

all rights reserved. Tara Simone, 2022-2025


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Tara Simone
Tara Simone
6 days ago
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I think my clients & community would agree this course deserves 5 stars!


Tara Simone
Tara Simone
6 days ago
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I might be a little biased, but this course is so much more than just learning how to manifestation! These 4 steps didn't just help me create the life I always dreamed of but heal, grow, & discover the person I always wanted to become 💖

Magically Tara Simone, LLC
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