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ALL my EFT Tap-A-Long Tuesday

Updated: Oct 31, 2023

FREE Emotional Freedom Technique Tappings to reduce stress, increase creativity, shift limiting beliefs, and manifest your desires by Magically Tara Simone, creator of Tap Tuesdays of YouTube

Hi friend! You can find all 60+ of my FREE Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping videos that I have made over the years on YouTube for what I call "Tap Tuesday" in this blog. Clear your limiting beliefs, regulate your emotions, and manifest your desires using these EFT Tap-A-Longs!

Never heard of Emotional Freedom Technique before? Learn more about this healing modality and how to start using it in THIS blog!

Are you up for a challenge? Commit to EFT Tapping EVERY DAY for 30 days! You will be SHOCKED what a month calming your nervous system, shifting your mindset, and focusing on your goals can do. (read my story here of when I took on this challenge and the crazy result I was not expecting!)

HOW TO: Simply ask your intuition every morning what topic you need to focus on and click whatever video jumps out at you. Feel free to repeat the ones you love, try a new one every day, or even create your own with our customizable EFT Tappings towards the end of this blog. As long as you get a few minutes of EFT every day you will notice a difference and I can't wait to hear about it! Make sure to comment below if you are taking on this challenge and what improved in your life because of it!



DAILY Motivational EFT Tappings


Entrepreneurs EFT Tapping Guide by Magically Tara Simone

psst...are you an entrepreneur looking for ways to reduce stress in your work, boost creativity, increase income, and create your most successful business?!

This FREE guide has over 15+ EFT Tap-A-Long created just for small business owners + additional tips and journal prompts!

Download your FREE copy today and get instant access to all the videos, tips, journal prompts, & practices to regulate your nervous system and grow your business below!


Shifting Limiting Beliefs & Healing EFT Tappings


Manifestation EFT Tappings


Manifested it! The Journal the simplest way. to learn law of Attraction by magically Tara Simone

Ready to manifest your most magical life in just 4 simple steps?

Inside Manifested It! The Journal you will learn how to THINK, FEEL, and ACT like the you who already RECEIVED her desires in less than a month + create your own customizable daily ritual you can apply to ANY goal!

Grab your copy today for +20 journal prompts, +30 affirmations, 9 embodiment practices, and $22 off coupon for Manifested It! The Course!


Health & Self Love EFT Tappings


Money & Finances EFT Tappings


Holiday Stress EFT Tapping Series


Holiday Destress EFT Tapping Guide by Magically Tara Simone

Want even MORE tips to a stress free & magical holiday season?

This FREE guide is filled with EFT Tap-A-Longs. journal prompts, stress relieving practices, and tips to make this holiday season jolly again!

Click the button below to download your FREE copy and get instant access today!


Customizable EFT Tappings


I hope you found this blog & EFT Tap-A-Longs helpful! Make sure to check back as more are created and added to this list!

If YOU have an idea for a Tap Tuesday, comment it below or book a Tap Through Session for 90 minutes of coaching with me & a customized EFT Tapping for you and your goals!

90 Minute Tap Through Session with Magically Tara Simone

Happy Tapping! 💛


Best Life Coach in Vermont Magically Tara Simone

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